ANST - News of Sir Theo of Mightrinwood
Mark Wallace
blackfox.mwal at
Mon Sep 1 23:27:03 PDT 1997
Unto all Ansteorrans does Master William Blackfox send this missive:
Word has reached me that we are in peril of losing Sir Theo of Mightrinwood,
the last Atenveldt monarch to reign over Ansteorra as a Principality.
He is currently in hospital suffering the final stages of pancreatic
cancer. His beloved Lady wife, Countess Deborah of Mightrinwood, reports
that Theo is in good spirits but in rapidly failing health.
Let all Ansteorrans take heed and pray for the good fortune of the man who
launched our Kingdom. I have known and respected Sir Theo for many years
and he has been a constant friend to all of us.
Messages of support and inquiries may be posted to Cts. Deborah at
blonde at
Yours in service,
Wm Blackfox
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