ANST - Nasty Ballista in A&S
Scott White
swhite at
Wed Sep 3 07:04:25 PDT 1997
>we get these critters to A&S, how we gonna test 'em?
I'm new to the A&S game, so I'm guessing ...
I don't know if this is not standard procedure, but I think the operators
would need to be present to demonstrate them, as there's certainly safety
considerations when you deal with even a small siege machine.
Going the extra mile to turn up really hard-to-come-by parts would add
significant value -- hand-forged metal parts, oak frame, sinew or horsehair
skeins ... though we've got to be somewhat realistic about logistical
things -- do you REALLY expect entrants to muck around with enough animal
sinew to fire a ballista? Or do you really want them to transport an
oak-framed machine? (We're talking flatbed trailer time ...)
I'd also favor period joinery/hidden non-period joinery. In my next
ballista, I'm gonna try to have NO exposed screw heads, for example.
To me, period projectiles would be a big plus -- I'd rather not demonstrate
with Goof Toob arrows or tennis ball rocks. Kinda the crowning glory of a
presentation -- the way period shoes or hairstyle are the rare final
touches to a good costume.
>Also, Gnith says he's found no surviving examples or clear illustrations of
>period seige weaponry. What about models or maquettes? Have any of these
Not that I've been able to come across, but they'd be NEAT ...
More specifically, though, trebuchets are the big mystery. Catapults and
ballistas are better-documented. I've got a book in the mail to me with
translations and diagrams from actual classical siege engineers ... yum ...
but trebuchets are the big question mark. Almost ALL modern reconstructions
are sheer guesswork.
>And, weren't mangonel bowls cast of metal? You'd think at least one of
>those things would still be around somewhere.
You'd think ... siege weapon documentation is woefully rare, though. If
anyone knows of anything significant outside of Marsden or Payne/Gallwey,
please let me know!
<swhite at>
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