ANST - New topic
drwise at
Wed Sep 3 18:54:49 PDT 1997
Just thought I might throw my two cents in:
1: Do you give an opponent choice of weapons? Let's say you are
> paired with Joe Newcomer in the first round. What about Sir Supercool? Do
> you insist on your favorite? Does it matter if you're Duke Hotottrot and he
> has no chance? Does it matter if he's the Duke?
I will usually ask my opponents to chose the weapons because I try to
be proficient in every style. Numerous bouts with Centurian Dieterich
were sufficient to encourage practice with florentine, my weakest
style. Likewise, it provides a break from the standard sword and
board. One recommendation though, it really helps when you do not have
to borrow someone else's weapon to fight a match (a really bad time to
learn the balance of a weapon).
> 2: Do you give a point of honor to your opponent? Arm or leg him,
> and would you give up your own? What if he's a superior fighter? An
> inferior one? Would you want the same treatment? What if giving up an
> advantage *is* an advantage to you? What about giving an advantage to a less
> talented person to start the bout? (ie: fight offhanded against Joe Newcomer
> in his first tourney) Is that insulting to the other person? What about
> accepting an advantage from a more talented person?
Generally I will grant a point of honor to my opponents because it
gives me the greatest challenge until the bout is concluded by a fatal
blow or a yield. Generally I won't give an advantage to start a bout
(other than allowing choice of weapons), because I want to ensure my
opponents are given a challenge.
3.Do you *try* to win every bout? Give 110%? Maybe only 75%?
> it dishonor your opponent (or yourself) to *not* try to the greatest of your
> ability? Is it ok to "throw" a bout? What if the person is very deserving
> of victory? What if they are new? Or your friend?
I try to test myself and my opponent every time I take the field. But
this may take different forms. Against Duke Hottotrot, this may mean I
use every thing I have learned over fifteen years of fighting, against a
new fighter this may mean I will limit my shot selection somewhat, or
use a weapon form that is a weaker style for me, but in either case my
opponents will still have to best my defenses before I can deliver a
good blow. For me to consider someone deserving of victory, I have to
feel I have given them a good bout.
> 4. Now to the odd one... Is it honorable to *want * to win? ("huh?")
> I mean, everyone wants to win,(and have fun) but where do you draw the line?
> No one thinks it is a "good thing"(tm) to take *unfair* advantage of your
> most noble opponent, but how you answer the first three points determines
> what you feel is a fair or an unfair advantage, and leads to your personal
> choice of "how bad do I want to win?". From insisting on a specific weapons
> style to refusing to call blows is a VERY wide spectrum of "want". Do you
> want to win enough to change your view on points 1,2, or 3? If it's the
> tourney of the Canton of Wayoutthere? If it's your local group's event? If
> it's Crown?
Yes it is honorable to want to win, as long as it is done with honor.
Everyone would rather have the accolades at the end of the day. But the
titles would be hollow indeed if they were "earned" at the expense of
your confidence in having fought honorably. Anyone who has fought for
any length of time knows that the split second decision on evaluating a
shot may occasionally result in one being "missed," (it didn't feel that
hard, but it sure left a good bruise when I got the armor off) but what
I always try to ensure is that my calibration is not being affected by
the desire to win "such and such" tournament. If you remember that the
purpose for taking the field is to honor your consort, honor your
friends with whom you share the field, to test yourself, and to assume
that your opponents are there for the same reasons, then you will win
every bout and every tournament.
Lord Alexis LaBouche
Twice Champion of Squires
Twice found Worthy of the Honor of Charlemagne
A Defender of Lyonnese
Current Defender of the Seawinds
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