ANST - Stargate ie Othars mouth watering steakoff
J'lynn Yeates
jyeates at
Thu Sep 4 10:46:33 PDT 1997
On 4 Sep 97 at 15:21, Don Wilkinson wrote:
inquiring minds want to know ...
> Almar here just wondering, is Othar doing his steak off at Stargate
> Baronial? If any good gentles know this I would greatly appreiciate
> <sp?> it. It was soooooooooogoooooooooood last year, me saying through
> the droooooool just thinking about it!!!!!!!
is this a fighting thing ala N.American indigenous people's (with
similarities to traditional keltoi challenge combat ...) ???
or cooking thing? if later, is it a open competition? is it limited
to beef?
... 3'rd generation meat-miester, overly fond of large slabs of
tastily prepared dead animal.
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