ANST - Whips in the SCA
Mark Harris
mark_harris at
Fri Sep 5 08:37:09 PDT 1997
Lady Tyrca said:
> I also wouldn't mind having something written down that I could put in
>our newsletter. I think it is of interest to many people. If you are
>amenable, let me know, or send me a write-up. Nice hearing from you!
I too, would be interested in more details on the use of whips in the Middle
Ages. Until it was mentioned in the first message, it was a subject that had
never occurred to me. As far as their use as weapons go, I imagine they were
in the same unofficial weapons class as quarterstaffs and farm implements -
Not originally meant as weapons but adapted to that use if the need arose.
If someone has a good article on the subject, or any other subject of
interest to those in the SCA, I would be interested in looking at these
articles with the idea of including them in Stefan's Florilegium (was the
SCA Rialto Files). The copyright stays with the author, I just want to
help make the information available to others who might find it interesting
or useful.
Those editing local newsletters might also want to keep in mind that there
are a number of short articles in the files which are great for newsletters.
That's what many of the articles were originally written for and the right
to republish them has been granted or can easily be requested from the authors.
Stefan's Florilegium can be found at:
Stefan li Rous
markh at
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