ANST - Overlooked at Arts and Sciences
Gunnora Hallakarva
gunnora at
Sun Sep 7 18:32:55 PDT 1997
Marthe de Blenkinsop said:
>I have just read Amr's statement. I had a similar experience at Steppes
>Artisan 2 years ago. I have been entering my porcelain art in A&S for 12
>years. In all that time, I have received no acknowlegment that I even
>existed. I have steadily increased the volume of my documentation. I
>have even documented realistic art (as opposed to 2 dimensional as seen in
>illuminations and on tiles), the type of paint I use, etc. As far as I
>know, no one has even looked at it. Its not period. Go figure.
Sael og Heil, Marthe!
Is it possible that we just did not have any judges who felt that they knew
enough about ceramics to feel qualified to comment? When I am unfamiliar
with an artisan's field and I am supposed to judge their work, I do read
the documentation, but in large part I will base my asessment on the
overall craftsmanship of the piece, and feel bad because I cannot give an
informative review. Perhaps another aspect of the problem could be sheer
volume of items to be judged versus number of judges.
At the last Larel's Prize Tournament, I literally tried to stop and read
and look at everything on display. If I knew absolutely nothing about the
arts displayed, I usually did not spend anywhere near as much time, simply
because I could not give a useful critique. But even skipping some
artisans whose arts were beyond my abilities to judge, I still spent the
whole day without stop and was worn out at the end. Not everyone is as
dogged about it as I was at LPT. And then too you have to realize that
instead of eating, drinking, socializing with friends, etc. the judges are
laboriously working to judge. One solution: train more judges. Who says
all judges must be Laurels or even Irises? I was judging leatherwork from
before the time when I had an AoA. I've spoken with Duchess SIglinde about
working towards training programs for judges that would not only give us a
level starting point and hopefully more even judging, but would by dint of
taining more judges make the judging process open to more folks and hence
less work in our valuable playtime.
You are in some luck, as I know that at least *now* we have at least one
Laurel who does know ceramics, Mistress Aquillane, and hopefully we can put
the two of you together to get you the judging and critiques you deserve.
Wæs Þu Hæl (Waes Thu Hael)
Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa þik hversu oðlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Aðal
(Ek eigi thik hversu odhlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Adhal)
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