ANST - New question
V. Allan Endel
endel at
Tue Sep 9 09:09:04 PDT 1997
At 02:45 PM 8/12/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello from Siobhan.
>Most of us chose our personas fairly early in our SCA life, before we knew a
>lot about the various time periods and cultures. My question is this: if
>you had it all to do over again, would you choose the same time and culture?
> Would you choose a different one? Why?
I'm a little late in answering, but I would choose the same culture
(Scottish)--my mother is a descendant of Clan Chisholm, and I find the
history and culture of Scotland fascinating. My base period is fairly early
(ca.1085) because I can easily do the garb myself, but I also sometimes
switch periods (such as wearing the great kilt) and just consider myself a
descendant when I do. I also am considering an alternate persona, a Jewish
one, as my father had a Jewish grandfather.
Alan MacRonan MacCalum
Dragonsfire Tor
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