ANST - Greetings unto local newsle
Mark Harris
mark_harris at
Tue Sep 9 12:15:46 PDT 1997
Mail*Link¨ SMTP Greetings unto local newsletter editors
Greetings unto the editors of local SCA newsletters around the Known
World from Ld. Stefan li Rous,
As some of you may know I have been creating a set of SCA related files
for the past seven years known as Stefan's Florilegium, once called the
SCA Rialto Files.
For the last few years I have been sending out a monthly article to alert
interested folks to the new files which have been added in the past month as
well as alerting them to files that have had major additions.
For the past six months or so, I have been posting this article to
The Rialto (
The Ansteorra mail list.
The Bryn Gwlad mail list.
The SCA-Cooks mail list.
The SCA-Arts mail list.
Recently, I had a request from a local newsletter editor in the Principality
of the Mists to reprint this article. I have added her address to the list
of folks I will be sending the article to.
I would like to extend this offer to any newsletter editors out there who
would also like to use this article in their newsletters. Currently I
send the article out just before the 20th of each month. I am willing to
consider changing this if other newsletters have longer leadtimes.
If you would like me to add your name to this list, please send me email
indicating this with your name and local branch, email address and the
name of your newsletter.
For those who haven't looked at my files before, they can be found at:
The subject areas in the files include: Archery, Clothing Accessories,
Clothing, Beverages, Cultures, Scribal Arts, Textile Arts, Combat,
Rapier, Food, Entertainment, SCA Stories, SCA event planning help,
Pavilion and Domestic Arts, Pennsic, Performance Arts and others.
There are a number of short articles there that make great articles
for local newsletters. Although the copyright on these belongs to the
author, permission is often given to reprint these if credit is given
to the author and a copy of the newsletter is sent to the author.
I am also always looking for new articles to add to the files. As
mentioned, the copyright stays the property of the author.
While I appreciate getting copies of the issues my monthly article
is published in, it is not a requirement. I do find it nice to
find out what is happening in the rest of the Known World, however.
If you know of local editors who do not read the Rialto, please feel
free to pass this message onto them by other means.
In service to the Known World.
Stefan li Rous
markh at
Ld. Stefan li Rous Barony of Bryn Gwlad Ansteorra
Per pale gules and or, a ram's head caboshed, counterchanged
Mark S. Harris markh at Austin, TX
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