ANST - FW: In Memoriam: William Blackfox <Poetry>
Jerry Herring by way of Burke McCrory <>
therring at
Sun Sep 14 21:57:00 PDT 1997
Forwarded for Baroness Morgana bro Morganwyg, O.L.
For Will
Your laughter now is silent, oh my friend,
The skirling pipes that roused us laid aside,
The wit, the art, the music, all must end,
All borne away on life's capricious tide.
If tears are selfish, I am selfish now,
And weep for all the hours that might have been.
I think your course not run and bewail how
Your brash, brave heart could fail us all, unseen.
You never failed that heart, but followed true
And took your stand where heart said it was right,
Steadfast against a sea of foes or few -
All leavened with your humor, rapier bright.
If wishing could but change the web of fate
And bring you back from everlasting night,
I'd hear you laugh again, but 'tis too late.
Wishing is vain; I am bereft of light.
The pale horse moves among us, each and all,
His rider always hovers by our side,
And none knows when that rider will them call
To sit behind him on the final ride.
Oh, William, you are reft from us too swift,
With songs unsung, and dreams you'd yet to fill.
No simple words can frame your loss, your gift,
Our tongues can only cry, "We miss you, Will!"
'Tis not enough, 'twill never be, I know -
No words compare to what a life can give,
And none can take your place, as time will show,
But this, at least, you showed us HOW to live.
To you I pledge to stand for what is right,
To live with humor but defend my cause,
Bring joy to others how and when I might,
And love my life and LIVE it, without pause.
And each who takes a portion of that of this task
Keeps you alive, and brightens lives as well -
As good a legacy as one could ask -
You'll live as long as Bards have tales to tell.
But, oh, my friend, I would that you were here
To share one glass again before we part -
Instead I mourn your passing with a tear,
And carve your name into my heavy heart.
Baroness Morgana bro Morganwyg, O.L.
(Could someone please cross post this to Ansteorra, I don't have any
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