ANST - Of William Blackfox
Gunnora Hallakarva
gunnora at
Mon Sep 15 00:53:08 PDT 1997
Hugh Prescott <hugh at> said:
Master Chidock the Younger wrote of his friend on the Calontir net.
The pipes are stilled, no longer will they sound,
To herald the beginning of a court,
No more with joy will revels now abound,
Nor will his voice of songs raise in support.
The quill laid down will not be used again,
To tell Warthaven's tale in simple frames,
No longer at his wit shall we all grin,
Nor smile at his parodies of names.
Such a great soul gone, in but a blink,
And we are left to mourn in sorrow deep,
And though to his fond memory I'll drink,
For now I can do nothing else but weep.
Oh William, it was too soon to depart,
We who remain will hold you in our hearts.
Wæs Þu Hæl (Waes Thu Hael)
Gunnora Hallakarva
Ek eigi visa þik hversu oðlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Aðal
(Ek eigi thik hversu odhlask Lofstirrlauf-Kruna heldr hversu na Hersis-Adhal)
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