ANST - [SCA-CHR] Master William Blackfox
Sarah Rogers
crystoma at
Sun Sep 14 23:07:24 PDT 1997
Gentle Chroniclers,
I have been receiving a number of phone calls today, and made my own in
hopes of discovering the answers to so many questions, and in hopes of
some positive thing coming from my grief. If you can be patient with me
while I report some facts and answers, I would also like to write some
from my heart.
What has happened: On Friday, Master William Blackfox, also known as
Mark Wallace, suffered a massive heart attack as he was leaving a YMCA,
where he had been working out. I have been told that he did not suffer
any pain.
Mark Wallace lived alone in Tulsa, Oklahoma (Kingdom of Ansteorra,
Barony of Northkeep).
Arrangements: Funeral arrangements are awaiting the release of his body
to relatives. These arrangements should be settled by tomorrow evening,
and I will send a letter as soon as I have the information.
I have been informed that there is a Web site with funeral information.
This information is incorrect. If the author of the site could be
informed of the correct information, that would be nice. If any gentle
here who knows the address for the site, could it please be posted here?
A number of Kingdoms would like to add a link to the site and/or create
their own memorial on the web.
Donations, Memorials: I have been assured that Master William was
well-off enough that there will be no strain on the family in that area.
The Kingdom of Ansteorra is planning an Arts and Sciences issue of the
newsletter in memorial to Master William. In the past, Master William
has been the greatest of supporters and fund-raisers for the Kingdom A&S
issue, hosting many auctions and other activities to raise money for the
publication. Donations to the memorial publication can be made to SCA,
Inc.-The Blackstar, and can be sent to the Kingdom Chronicler, THL
Claryce (Marthe Cole), 510 Hanging Elm, Norman, OK 73071. Please make
sure that you include a note stating what your donation is for.
What can be published: Tributes and memorials are perfectly acceptable.
Master William was particularly helpful to the Chroniclers of the Known
World. Kingdom Chroniclers do not have to charge advertising rates for
tributes, unless they feel they must in order to pay for extra pages or
space. I am sure Master William would understand this.
It is acceptable to run the last two comics Master William submitted to
you. I understand some gentles are concerned about the irony of the
raven cartoon. However, please remember that, in his own way, Master
William will also never die. You may wish to note that these last
cartoons are the last that Master William sent for publication (it was
pointed out to me that the words Classic Warthaven may confuse folks
into thinking that these classics will be published indefinitely).
There is talk of discussing future publications of Master Williams
cartoons with his heirs. Until permission to do so materializes, we may
not publish any of his other work. Master William was particularly
concerned about his rights under copyright. Please respect that in his
Since this message is so long, I will be writing down my thoughts in
another post. Thank you for your patience.
In service to the Society and
/\ the Dream which keeps us all
| | up to our elbows in ink,
/\ || /\
| \___/--\___/ | THL Heirusalem Crystoma
\_/ \__/ \_/ Society Chronicler
|\__/ \__/| AKA: Sarah R. Rogers
|/ \__/ \| 2204 N 950 E
./\__/ \__/\, Lafayette, IN 47905
| / \__/ \ | (765)589-3443
\/ \/ \/ Also TAAP Central Archivist
From: Sarah Rogers <crystoma at>
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