ANST - My thanks.
cjw at
Mon Sep 22 07:34:18 PDT 1997
Greetings Ansteorra, Ritter Dieterich hier sprechens-
Just finished getting the price tags and cellophane off my new belt, spurs,
and chain and was thinking about all the nice things people have done to
help me with this; I owe much to many.
*warning- this could go sappy in a hurry*
Firstly, I'd like to publicly thank my wife... only she knows how
insturmental she was in this. Im sure she'll tell you if you ask her, though;)
To Sir Axel, my knight- everyone needs a hero and you are mine... I hope
someday to accomplish as much as you have to impact the society as a whole
for the better.
To Certain Good and Gentle Knights who have been insturmental in shaping
what I wish to strive for: Ritters Pendaren, Connor, Emrys, Daffyd, Kief,
Lyonel, Galen Kirchenbauer, Galen of Bristol, Mahdi, Frederick of Holland,
Rhodri, William of Wier, Maxmillian, Mikael of Monmouthshire, Gerald the
Inverter, and Brian of Tarragon. These are the men who have, through direct
advice or singular remarkable example had the opportunity to show me exactly
how to behave at some point in time.
To Jovian Skleros- my man-at-arms, my herald, my advisor, my friend. There
are no words to describe how great a man you are.
To the August Order of the Fighting White Mice- anyone who went to my vigil
knows what these men stand for.
To Lorraine and Nikolas- who helped with my vigil and made it special.
To Lord Alexis La Bouche- your generosity and chivalry are remarkeable...
give Plum a carrot for being so good, would you?
To Iohn of Gates Edge- thank you for your services.
To all those who visited me on my vigil and made it special, most
particularly: Timotheus Kranidios, Aquillane, Zahara, Cian, Cathrine,
Caitlin, Peder, Drake, Kayliegh, Talen, Treshen, and Romanus.
To Maggie, Lissa, Jehanne, and Kat who all told tall tales about my good
character at my ceremony.
And lastly, to TRM Kein and Alisha, without whose confidence this would not
have occurred.
To all these people and many more I owe my thanks and love.
Ritter Dieterich Kempenich von Eltz
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