ANST - Stargate's Ivory Tower A&S Magazine
Mon Sep 22 11:05:56 PDT 1997
Greetings Good Gentles!
I am glad to announce that Stargate's annual A&S magazine, "The Ivory Tower"
is currently available for sale.
This 60 page issue of the magazine contains "Magic Moments" by Master William
Blackfox, Aquilanne, Sir Burke Kyriell MacDonald, Mistress Gunnora Hallakarva,
Baroness Hillary Rose Greenslade, HL Katerina Aretino, Lionardo Acquistapace,
Herra-Domr Mikal the Ram, Lord Owen ap Aeddan ap Trahaern, Baroness Philippa
Rookhaven, Mistress Siobhan, Timo, and Lady Tyrca Ivarsdottir. It also
contains the following articles:
Annes Clotilde von Bamburg, Lady
"Making Ointments and Salves"
Avatar of Catsprey, Master
"The Period Musician; A Study on one of the More Peculiar
Inhabitants of the SCA Food Chain"
Bran de Tintreak, Baron
"Sunwize and Sunwise; The Only Star You Need to Know"
Caladin Ironhearth Esq.
"Making an SCA Legal Sword"
Cateau D'Ardennes, Lady
"Meat Pie Recipes"
Catherine Greyeyes, Viscountess
"Medieval Bread Making"
Cian Conor MacQuaid, Viscount
"Deutsche Fechtung"
Delphina de Champeaux, HL
"Definition of Kindness"
"How to Find Music that is Period"
"Queen Margot"
"Research & Documentation of Renaissance Clothing"
"Some Words on the Art of Rapiers"
"Stage Fright: How to Slay the Beast"
Eowyn ferch Rhys, HL
"Block Printing"
Goeffery Cathan, Master
"Some Thoughts on Documentation"
Hillary Rose Greenslade, Baroness
"Judging Stained Glass Entries"
Laure Anne the Plaid Weaver
"I Saw a Dragon Fly"
"Viking Apron Brooches"
"Weaving Techniques"
Lyonette van Leyden, Lady
"A Brief History of Print-Making in Western Europe"
"Feastocrat 101"
Mari ferch Rathyen, Baroness
"Personal Rituals - Creating Persona in the SCA"
Philippa Rookhaven, Baroness
"Concerning Rue"
"The History of Stargate"
Those interested in obtaining a copy of "The Ivory Tower" should send $4.00 to
Stargate's Chronicler:
Melody macGregor (Melody Soice)
email: askell at
street address: 10027 Spice Lane #2005; Houston, TX 77072
Please make checks payable to SCA, Inc. - Barony of the Stargate.
-- Suzanne (Editor)
** Lady Suzanne de la Ferte, AoA **
** Scribe and Illuminator **
** Stargate, Ansteorra **
** suzanne.powell at **
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