ANST - Dieterich's knighting
Pat St. Jean
stjeanp at
Mon Sep 22 18:53:26 PDT 1997
Sir Dieterich,
I wish to offer my congratulations to you on your recent knighting. I
was in attendance at Raven's Fort along with my lady (her first event). I
wish to extend from her a "that was really cool!" on your choice of doing
your parts of the ceremony in German. While my lady and I were watching
it, she leaned over and whispered to me, "hey! these guys really ARE
serious about this!" You have my gratitude for easing her culture shock a
little. This past Defender of the Fort will stay in my memory for a long
time as on Sunday she walked up to me with some newly purchased garb and
a membership application asking me if she HAD to decide on a persona NOW.
My heartfelt thanks go out to everyone for instilling a small portion
of the Dream in her. Hopefully this new spark will continue burn brighter
and brighter as time passes. I have started my own comeback from a long
hiatus due to moving in from another kingdom and settling down with a new
house and job, but have just been overwhelmed by the generosity and
kindness shown to myself and my lady by everyone.
Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart!
Pat St. Jean
stjeanp at '97 XLH 883
When I first started working with sendmail, I was convinced that
the cf file had been created by someone bashing their head on the
keyboard. After a week, I realised this was, indeed, almost
certainly the case
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