ANST - An invitation to Smithfield
Chris and Elisabeth Zakes
moondrgn at
Sun Sep 28 15:46:21 PDT 1997
The Barony of Bryn Gwlad will be holding their annual Baronial Fair on
October 24-26th. The rapier competition is entitled
West Smithfield was an area just outside of London, that was notorious for
being the playground of bravos, braggarts and swash-bucklers. The area was
nicknamed "Ruffian's Hall", and one chronicler said you could commonly find
frays of ten or twenty men on a side there on Sundays and holidays.
There is also a story that the French ambassador had been out for a ride
one day, and happened to return to London by way of Smithfield. At the gate
he ran afoul of the "certain grave citizens" who had been set there by
Royal Edict, to cut the points off over-long rapiers. Only the timely
intervention of Lord Henry Seymore prevented an embarassing international
The Premise:
You are travelling to London, and as chance would have it, your road leads
through Smithfield. Although you are not looking for trouble, you are not
one to be trifled with, either. As you pass through Smithfield, interesting
things start to happen...
(Since you are *not* looking for trouble, all weapons will be sheathed, at
least until "lay on" is called. Any weapons you wish to use must be those
carried onto the field in the first round, or "acquired" during combat. If
you do not retrieve a dropped weapon before you leave the field, it is
"lost". For example, you begin Round One with a rapier, dagger and buckler.
You retain all these weapons in Round One, but in Round Two, you lose the
dagger. You must begin Round Three with only a rapier and buckler. If you
defeat your opponent, and pick up *his* rapier, then you may begin Round
Four with case and buckler. The only exception is in Round Five, where any
weapons combination will be permitted.
Non-fatal wounds will be assumed to be relatively minor: they will only be
retained through the following round. If your arm has been hit, it should
be put in a sling; if your leg has been hit, you may hobble slowly with a
cane or staff, but must drop to the ground to fight.
This is being run as a Swiss Five. "Kills" will count against you for
overall scoring, but you will not be eliminated from the tournament.)
Round One, Grand Melee:
You find yourself embroiled in a melee, almost by chance. You must kill at
least one person on the opposing side, and then get off the field alive.
Round Two, The Alley:
Escaping the brawl, you make your way down a dark alley. Halfway to the
other end, you are set upon by footpads. You must make it to the end of the
alley alive.
Round Three, The Tavern:
To regain your composure, you stop in a nearby tavern. While there, one of
your erstwhile compatriots from the Grand Melee joins you, and buys you a
drink. Just as you start to relax, a couple of survivors from the opposing
side recognize you, and decide to settle the score. They are out for blood,
so you are obliged to kill them.
Round Four, Strangers in the Night:
Having had enough excitement for one day, you retire for the evening with
an agreeable companion. Your weapons, of course, have been put aside for
the evening. Just as you are dropping off to sleep, you are attacked
(perhaps your companion is unsatisfied with your performance, or payment;
or maybe your companion has a jealous lover). You may either kill your
attacker, or escape via the door or window.
Round Five, The Prize:
You have finally managed to make it to London. Now you may carry out your
original objective: seeking admission to Honest Don Tivar's Academy of
Defense. The Master of the Academy wishes to test your skill, however...
-Tivar Moondragon
(Who's running this circus <G>)
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