ANST - TRF passes: How to get them
David R. Hoffpauir
env_drh at
Tue Sep 30 03:29:25 PDT 1997
David R. Hoffpauir
Texas Regional Institute
for Environmental Studies-
Sam Houston State University
(409) 294-4995
env_drh at
Greetings all,
There have been lots of folks questioning how to get their work passes for
Texas Rennaissance Festival. To that end I'd like to post some
FIRST-Contact the group sponsoring the weekend. DO NOT approach me first.
Yes I have a list, but it is a backup list, intented for people who fall
though the crack. My list DOES NOT have priority over the sponsoring
group's list. If they hand me a list with 100 names, then anyone on my
list is out of luck.
My intent is to ensure each sponsoring group's success. That success
hinges on each group's ability to muster artisans, fighter's, dancers,
musicians, and support people to their cause and to plan activities which
up hold our obligation to entertain patrons of TRF.
SECOND-Delivery system for the passes. Most passes will be available via
the Autocrat/ Senechal of the sponsoring group. When you register for
passes indicate your "group of affiliation" (It's on the sign-up sheet and
should be requested). This will determine your geographic location, not
your loyalty. If you are from Northkeep and claim Stargate as home, your
tickets will go to Stargate. However, if you are from Northkeep and
indicate Northkeep, I'll have a clue and can plan accordingly.
Policy on the back gate: TRF does not encourage anyone to show up without
a pass. All arrangements should have been made in advance and passes
should have been delivered to you (this is the ideal situation). From what
I gather, the $10 or driver's license policy is not official. It's sort of
a quick fix idea that Security uses to ensure entrants return with a valid
pass. IT IS NOT guaranteed that they will let anyone on site. Do not rely
on this approach to obtain your pass!
For first weekend, HL Sine and HL Yoshimoto will post an SCA troll at the
back gate to pass out tickets. DO NOT assume that you'll get a pass just
because you have an SCA membership. Anyone receiving a weekend work pass
will have made arrangements with the sponsoring group in advance and will
be on that weekend's list.
The success/ failure of our first weekend Troll booth will determine it's
usefulness. Possibly we will maintain it throughout Faire as a delivery
Lastly-- If do not get "on the list" for a particular weekend don't fret.
There are seven weekends which amounts to 700 opportunities for you to get
on the list. Besides, if some new blood doesn't filter in, we'll all be
pretty tired of each other at the end.
In service, thanks to all, lift up your cares and have a turkey leg.
It's time for Renfair!
David St. David, (no that's not my natural hair color) Baron, Raven's Fort
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