ANST - Martial Arts

Vicki Marsh zarazina at
Mon Apr 20 20:00:13 PDT 1998

Zara Zina here:
Aquilanne said:

Dory Grace--The Inkwell
denouncer of Tytyvylus & warrior crone

Hmmm. An interesting thread, but I have a slightly different take....

Mistress Aquilanne is a practicing martial artist. I have been one in the past.

How many artisans also have a background in the martial arts?  

I believe there is a particular strength that one can attain from studying martial arts, and that it is more internal than external.  Being able to push yourself to the extreme, to visualize yourself reaching a goal, and learning to focus your energies in a particular direction are a few of the lessons I had in martial arts.

Also, learning how to fall, how to duck, how not to lead with my chin, and how to learn from failure.

Zara Zina

4th Degree Brown Belt, World Tae Kwon Do Fed. Trained Under Dennis "Sugar Bear" Gotcher - 3 yrs
Training Seminars with Joe Lewis and Bill Wallace.  Competed heavily in Kata and Tournament Fighting.
Teacher of  Women's and Children's Self-Defense
Blue Belt,  Chon-ji style Tae Kwon Do. Trained Under Mike Uselton - 2 yrs
Security Guard and Bouncer - 5 yrs

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