ANST - Dry sites will annoy the chemically dependent

Conor mac Cinneide carcassonnais at
Thu Apr 30 07:56:10 PDT 1998

    The banning of alcohol at events is being driven by the site owners,
    YMCA and Boy Scouts, who are in the back pocket of the Christian

    Being Christian organizations, they have deep pockets and steady revenue
    sources...they can afford to buy the campsites and thus impose their
    will upon groups such as ours.

    Its plain and simple, we need to get out from under their influence.


Wow, a conspiracy theory.  Also, not a little bit of paranoia.  Being
opposed to alcohol does not make them right wing fanatics.  Both groups
spent their efforts with children and youth, and many people, some of whom
are very much left and only nominally Christian believe that young people
should not be taught that drinking is an integral part of life.  Everyone
should be taught that alcohol is an unnecessary, but possibly enjoyable part
of life.

You are digging your hole deeper.


lucetis sicut luminaria in mundo

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