ANST - forged in the fire

don&monica dmmerlick at
Wed Apr 8 11:12:16 PDT 1998

This poem is inspired by a recent posting of Sir Gunther regarding the
Sword of State, though I do wish the muse would have struck before I
cleared my mail box, so that it could be here also.

Forged in the Fire

I once saw a man, Kneel down ‘fore the crown
Hot tears rolling down to the green
White belt, spurs and chain at last were his own
For he’d been forged in the fire of the dream

I once saw a girl Kneeling down ‘fore the throne
Pure wonder in her eyes did gleam
The herald read on, She rose up a “Lady”
She’d been forged in the fire of the dream

I once saw a household sitting warm by a fire
Listen wrapped as the bards they did sing
Heroes were born, and villains put down
As they were forged in the fire of the dream

I once saw a warrior standing tall on the field
The shot on his helm, it did ring
Though he lost then a round, He rose up in honor
For he’d been forged in the fire of the dream

I once saw a blade of good hardened steel
An ensign of strength it would seem
Though it change form and hands, it shall never grow dull
For WE were are forged in the fire of the dream!

Ld Darius of the Bells
As long as one person remembers the deed, Heroes never die.

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