ANST - Ansteorran Kingdom rapier fighter practice

Wayne Ross courtier at
Sun Aug 16 08:14:15 PDT 1998

Just a quick reminder, folks. Only six more days till the first "cut the crap, and give us more of what we want" Kingdom rapier fighter practice, to be held at Flag Pole Hill, in Dallas Texas from 10 a.m. till we can't lift our arms anymore. Crash space is available by contacting Lady Genevieve (Carol Ross) at gdc at . Lord Erc is hosting a post practice revel/cookout after the event ( the perfect opportunity to sit and boast, brag, or merely converse about the feats of the day). For more info, or directions, feel free to e-mail me privately at wayner at .
I look forward to seeing you there.
L. Duncan Hepburn
Rapier Marshal
Barony of the Steppes, Ansteorra
co-coordinator of this crazy thing
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