ANST - Re: A soldier's Night Before X-mas

Laughing Boy pantelone at
Sat Dec 19 05:01:01 PST 1998

>At 01:31 PM 12/18/98 PST, you wrote:
>>>>The Night Before Christmas a soldiers story
>>chris, where did you get this? who's the author? it's good. i liked 
>I would like to thank everyone for their kind words and the interest in 
>poem.  Would that I were the author!  But alas, my son sent this to me
>without an author listed.  I will try to chase it down and see if we 
can =
>permission to print it in whatever newsletters we want.  Hopefully I 
can =
>this this weekend and have it out to you before Christmas.
>Like a lot of you, this poem touched me personally because as a small 
>during WWII, I spent 4 Christmases without my Daddy.  He came home a 
>before Christmas in 1945.  Since my birthday is on Christmas, it was 
>best ever birthday and Christmas presents.
>Enough of this, the fog seems to be coming in my windows.  I will get 
>to you as soon as possible.

>	Chris Harper
>      -bice at

If I remember correctly, this poem was attributed to a Marine on duty 
one Christmas day in the SW Asian theater.  It has been around for not 
that long, but I have seen it printed in the Air Force Times and I 
believe also Reader's Digest.

I could be mistaken on the above information, but there was a brief 
narrative accompanying the poem in one of the publications that printed 
it and I think that is correct.  Of course I've slept since then.

When I saw the title of the post, I knew what poem it was, and what I do 
know for sure, is that no matter how many times I read it, it still hits 
me right "there", if you catch my drift.

Here's a toast to all the ground pounders, flyboys, and squids out there 
that could very well be the person in the poem this holiday season.


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