ANST - results from Candlemas

Jerry Norris jerryn at
Mon Feb 2 14:13:51 PST 1998

Plachoya Sobaka asked ...
>So who won what at Candlemas and who is representing Ansteorra at Gulf 
>in Brewing and Vinting?

The only gentle I can remember was Modius, who was chosen by Her Majesty,
if I remember correctly, to represent the kingdom in the art of vintning.

If there were others, I lost it in the haze.

In service to the dream, with a song in my heart,

jerryn at -  Jerry Norris - Houston, Texas USA
writer, reader, thinker, singer, father, lover. 
Gerald of Leesville - Barony of Stargate - Kingdom of Ansteorra	
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