ANST - Peers & Mooneschadowe

margiejr margiejr at
Thu Feb 12 23:20:46 PST 1998

>We have had a number of former shire members recognized as Peers since they
>left - HRH Jean-Richard, H.E. Master Tarl, H.E. Mistress Stacia, and H.E.
>Sir Burke to name a few, as well as some who resided at least for a time in
>our Shire - Sir Alrek being the most recent.  And we're getting ready to
>celebrate another former Moonschadeen's peerage - H.E. Kat at Northern
>Regional.  Not yet a peer but soon to be a Baron in Fief is H.L. Aethelstan
>at the same event.
>Just goes to show that we teach them right here in Mooneschadowe, but they
>don't get the recognition until after they move away :-)
>talen at

I remember when I moved to this kingdom from Cailenter I moved to
MooneShadow,there I found a lot of knowlegable men and women that devoted a
lot of time and effort to our dream. they all encuraged and helped newcomers
and some of us old players were they could, they made you feel at home and
help you find your place in our dream. though I am not a peer, I know what
my ideals of what I would Like to see our peers represent, and There are
many in Moonshadow that meet and Exceed those Ideals. I think that our
kingdome has a geat treasure and it is the shire of Mooneshadow

Lady Simone

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