ANST - P-word

Nathan njones at
Wed Feb 18 01:10:51 PST 1998

Greetings my friends!

First off, I must offer up a robust "huzzah!" for all the reasonable
discussion of the dreaded "P" word.  Whether you are for or
against the topic, we are all learning much just by having
this debate.

Now, to the meat:

Discussion on the mailing list after Steppes 12th Night revolved around
the thought of doing a "Red Tape" event, holding more local courts where
smaller awards could be given, and having more regional events where
the businees of warrenting officers and teaching classes necessisary to holding
office.  I think it was a natural step to extend that to a discussion of

If you strengthen the Regional system that is currently in place, you are
creating defacto Principalities, with all the red tape and beaurocracy and
none of the perks.  Might as well go all the way and have the coronets, in
my opinion.

As for extending the reigns to two years, I think the popular response to
that was "no".  But, something that hasn't been brought up is extending
the time that we have Crown Heirs.

I know it's common practice in some kingdoms to have Crown Heirs
for about six months.  This would increase the comittment of those who
won crown Tourney.  Would it be feasible to ask someone to give a
year of service instead of the nine months that it is currently?
(Six months as Prince/ss, six as Crown)

Just in the past few years Crown Tourney has been moved from
mid-November to mid-October.  How outrageous would it be to
move it up to say...August?  This would give us two pairs of royals
to share the responsibilities of travel and court.

Just something to think about,

Go to to perform mailing list tasks.

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