ANST - Principality petitions/seccession war

Bill Sholar BillS at
Thu Feb 19 19:24:20 PST 1998

"Wow!" was my first thought when I read Tomonaga's alternative to a
Principality referendum:

>Actually, I would prefer to settle it in proper 10th century
>fashion--trial by combat.  Hold the Ansteorran Secession War.  Pick a
>time far enough in the future that people can get ready, get a site
>or less in the middle to equalize travel requirements, have the
>adherents both pro and con armor up on opposite sides of the field, and
>let God defend the right.  Like with campaign funds in Presidential
>elections, open the coffers to help defray fighters' travel expenses. 
>Forbid mercenaries--this is nobody else's business.

That sounded like the coolest idea I'd heard in a long time. Ritter
Dieterich's response reined in my enthusiasm a bit:

>NO WAY!!! I don't even want the word 'secession' to come from my lips!
>an Ansteorran and I, for one, can't see a time when I'd ever even
>wanting to say that word to my king.  *ick*  *bleck*  *ptoooie*  I may
be a
>loudmouth advocate for more authenticity but doing it that way gets
>to close to treason for Ritter Dieterich the 15th c. knight who is in
>to his king.

And of course he is right. Should those two sides meet on the field of
battle and the banner of secession be raised against the banner of
Ansteorra, I am sure that all who have come out as pro-Principality
would shove differences aside and stand below the Sable and Or!

But surely I'm not the only one who is struck by the romance of two
armies meeting, fighting for a cause, each confident that at day's end
right will prevail. Imagine... 

* * * 

Rumors sweep the land that a pretender Prince will come forward to claim
his bloodright to the Coronet of Leontohora (or whatever). This Prince,
it is said, will prove himself (or herself) by right of Arms in tourney.
Lords, ladies and men-at-arms flock to see the matter decided. As the
people gather, bards tell tales of the truth of this ancient claim.
Others take their turn and sing another truth, encouraging all they see
to take the field against the pretender. Into the night warriors and
artisans proclaim for one side or the other.

As dawn breaks the next day, two camps have formed. In one, a tourney is
held to find the one whose claim to the Coronet is true. In the other
camp, a second tourney takes place as warriors fight to find one who
will lead them in the coming battle against the Pretender. That night
the King and Queen call the two generals and their supporters to feast
together as Ansteorrans. Before the populace both the pretender prince
and his opponent renew their fealty to the Crown. They swear that, come
what may on the morrow, they remain brothers under the Sable Star. Both
camps feast together into the night.

Next morning, to the sound of drums and pipers, the two sides meet on
the field of battle. They are equal in honor. They are equal in loyalty
to the Crown. Those with Truth on their side will win.

* * *

I have no illusions that this would be the deciding factor, or even that
it would replace the balloting process. And of course the "Pretender
Prince for a Weekend" wouldn't get a real coronet. But how dramatic! How

--Giraut d'Avinho

I should add what has become my standard caveat, that I am very new to
the Society. If I step on any toes, please attribute it to ignorance
rather than malice. But the idea sings to my burgeoning concept of The
Dream. Heck, I've never even put on armor, but I'd be in a hurry to get
authorized so I could be a part of something like this!
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