ANST - Principality petitions/seccession war

Galen W. Bevel galenbv at
Fri Feb 20 13:26:31 PST 1998

Scot Eddy wrote:
............................Coronation has a battle and the Prince
> "banishes" the old King and steps up. He then chooses a champion from
> those that distiguished themselves in the battle. Lots of persona
> play, a medieval reality (overthrowing the King) and lots of fun.
> Again no dishonor to Ansteorra is meant, just a cool stepping up idea.
> Sincerely
> Jovian Skleros
> Ansteorran

Actually, this sort of thing has been done in the past in other
Kingdoms, tho' it isn't our custom.  Let me see if I can get a great 
story straight as it was related to me.  

When Edmund first stepped up as King of the Middle, he wanted a cool
Coronation.  Having met and been befriended by Edmund (and my self, from
Ansteorra as fate would have it)at Gulf Wars V, Bjorn, King of the East
thought it would be fun to show up at Edmunds Coronation.  He marched in
with several of his knights and claimed that they were there to
"protect" the Middle throne during the interegnum, following the recent
demise of the Middle soveriegn.  Of course, this interegnum might end up
lasting several years.  Edmund, totally caught off guard, valiantly
proclaimed his right to the throne and he and the knights of the Middle
went off to seek their armor and trounce these invading Easterners. A
royal melee (literally) ensued, with Edmund of course coming out
victorius and going on to ascend the Mid-Realm throne.  Bjorn told me at
the 30year Celebration that at one time during the battle, the knights
got so enthusiastic about the battle that they left Edmund standing
alone, beside Bjorn...and two or three Eastern knights.  Bjorn said it
was almost more temptation than he could handle, but he was good and
went off to join his other knights in battle, and left the Middle its
Crown Prince.  

I make no claims for the veracity of this story, as I am telling it from
memory after several years, and of course feel the need for a bit of
poetic license to make it more enjoyable, but any variations from the
basic truth are accidents and entirely the fault of my leaky memory. In
such a apologies to both Edmund and Bjorn.

Graf Galen K.
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