ANST - Calling all Brewers...

Pug Bainter pug at
Mon Feb 2 06:15:35 PST 1998

Good Morning,

  A flier was made available at Candlemas, but I don't know how many people
  actually saw it. Donations for prizes will be greatly appreciated. The
  Bryn Gwlad Brewers' Guild will hold a fundraising donation tavern at
  the Baronial fall event to help compensate some of the cost of the
  overall first place prize.

  We truly hope to see more brewers/vintners than those who competed for
  Gulf War. I know there are more than 8 people out there!!!


Phelim "Pug" Gervase  |  "If you want my views of history
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |   then there is something you should know.
House Flaming Dog     |   The three men I admire the most are
pug at           |   Curly, Larry and Moe!" --Meatloaf

        Calling all Brewers of the Kingdom and the Knowne Worlde

The Brewers' Guild of Bryn Gwlad will host a competition of brewers,
vintners and cordialers at Candlemas in AS XXXIII (1999). This
competition will have four categories: Beers, Wines, Meads, and

Within each category there will be special prizes given for "period
style" or recipe and amateur brewer or vintner - started the craft on or
after February 1, AS XXXII (1998). In the categories of Wines and Meads
there will also be special prizes given for new batches - started the
batch on or after February 1, AS XXXII (1998).

The contest rules will be submited to the BlackStar, local newsletters,
as well as on-line when they are finalized.

         The overall first prize will be a wooden fruit press!!!
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