ANST - Court Herald Style

Mike C. Baker kihe at
Wed Jan 7 07:48:28 PST 1998

---Joe Wolf <JWolf at> wrote:
> Baron Leofric has undoubtedly given the best advice for an 
> aspiring Court Herald... get a script! 

I for one will also echo this, with a minor twist: get a script
outline, and "scriptlets" for each of the major components used in
court. Particularly useful to have on hand is a copy of the standard
award texts. (Just in case you aren't fluent in interpretting
carolingian minuscule calligraphy in poor lighting conditions, or

Another *excellent* tool to have on hand is a "booklight" or other
supplemental source of lighting which can be kept inconspicuous but
allow reading of any documents.

> I recall the court he refers below... nervous herald's first 
> court; that was myself! I got roped into doing this, and had 
> no idea what I was doing (so what's new about that, Manfred?!). 

Sounds like you came through the experience in one piece and can now
be held up as an exemplar. "Fame and fortune await in the glorious
Corps of Heralds, gentles -- just see what even Manfred could do!"
> I'd say a script would be an invaluable tool for a herald of 
> any skill level, as I've seen some great heralds side-track 
> themselves with their own "adlibs" and "humor injections." 
> Any comments about this: pro or con?

I have always believed that even the most experienced of court
heralds should have an outline prepared before court begins. The
ubiquitous notebook / folder is more than just a prop, and should
hold more than just award scrolls...

There is a place and a time for adlibs / humor. They should be kept
to a minimum, particularly when it is known that a great deal of
real court business to be conducted. A good court herald knows when
to break mood, a *great* court herald knows when to refrain from
doing so. A demi-god court herald has all of the award scripts
memorized and can recite them while juggling and standing on his or
her head, or otherwise performing for the enjoyment of the populace.
(That "otherwise" covers an extremely varied amount of territory...)

Adieu -- Amra / Pax ... Kihe / TTFN -- Mike
(al-Sayyid) Amr ibn Majid al-Bakri al-Amra  /
Kihe Blackeagle (the Dreamsinger Bard) / 
Mike C. Baker: My opinions are my own -- no one else would want them!
Alt. e-mail: KiheBard at, MikeCBaker at

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