ANST - Kingdom Academy of the Rapier

Erik Langhans modius at
Wed Jan 7 15:22:06 PST 1998

No offense intended, all instructors are welcome.  The norm is still a red to white scarf progression.  Old habit.  Being a Cadet doesn't make you superior to one who is not a Cadet.  Your class idea sounds great.


From:  Lenny Zimmermann[SMTP:zarlor at]
Sent:  Monday, January 05, 1998 10:27 AM
To:  ansteorra at Ansteorra.ORG
Subject:  Re: ANST - Kingdom Academy of the Rapier

On Sat, 3 Jan 1998 14:52:14 -0600, you wrote:

>I am putting in a bid for the 98 Kingdom Academy of the Rapier.  Site potentially in Ravensfort area.  Potentially sponsored by 3-4 regional groups.  This is all very preliminary.  I wanted to get thoughts and comments.  Structure would be 2 tracks:  Intro/Basic and Intermediate/Advanced.  Classes taught by 2 instructors each.  BOTH Cadets and DONS needed as instructors.  Please send me info if you are interested in Helping, Teaching, or what classes you would like to TAKE.  Thanks!!!!!

Well, I was thinking I wouldn't mind putting together a class on
Italian Honor and the Duel in Italy, but if you are only looking for
Dons and Cadets I guess that leaves me out of the running, now doesn't
it. ;-) If it sounds like a decent idea for a class anyway, though,
let me know and I'll be happy to help out.

Honos Servio,
Lionardo Acquistapace, Bjornsborg
(mka Lenny Zimmermann, San Antonio)
zarlor at
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