ANST - Meetings and Volume at Steppes 12th Night

Pug Bainter pug at
Wed Jan 14 08:30:21 PST 1998

Timothy A. McDaniel said something that sounded like:
> (I must say I'm starting to doubt his taste -- crying in
> dance practice and stopping when removed!  Why, any man of
> sense would do the opposite!  Still, there's plenty of time
> to enlighten him.)

We're still educating him. It seems to be only at times that he dislikes
dance. I think it's a matter of if Samuel is playing or not. Live
musicians fascinate him.

Not to mention that they make it so much more enjoyable to dance.


Phelim "Pug" Gervase  |  "If you want my views of history
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |   then there is something you should know.
House Flaming Dog     |   The three men I admire the most are
pug at           |   Curly, Larry and Moe!" --Meatloaf
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