ANST - Mail to ansteorra at

Shane B. shaneb at
Wed Jan 14 22:12:36 PST 1998

Dear Morgan,

  Just went to it and it loaded up from my local ISP in about 6
seconds.  Might be your server...

Morgan Dracos wrote:
>     Is anyone else having trouble logging onto the web page? I am asking this on
> the behalf of several people. There are several of us using the same ISP and are
> getting about the same error, something about the sever timing out. Our ISP says
> that is not their fault, but they also say that any problem that we have is not
> their fault let me know if any one knows where the problem lies we would like to
> get it fixed, if it is on our side.
> Morgan Dracos

Shane (Alastair Lord Aylward)
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