ANST - Proposition: a Kingdom Business Meeting

chuck_graves at chuck_graves at
Mon Jan 26 08:07:40 PST 1998

     Greetings, all.
     My, my...the conversation certainly picked up lately.
     First, to answer Daniel's questions: 
        Yes, we had three tracks to the best of my recollection, and orders 
        were placed against officers.
     Second, Atlantia doesn't have a complete set of regional deputies, so 
     Unevent was the best opportunity to see the respective "boss" in 
     person.  In many ways, the local officers are the primary audience.
     Certainly, one of my basic assumptions is that there will be schedule 
     conflicts--the best you can do is avoid the obvious conflicts, e.g., 
     Centurions vs. Knight Marshals.  
     Also, Unevent is a group of business meetings, not training sessions.  
     These meetings are to disseminate information specific to each office 
     and allow officer's to discuss issues with their peers.  Training was 
     handled at other events such as collegia or King's College.  The 
     Atlantian analog to King's College is held three to four times each 
     year, and rotates throughout the kingdom.  I believe this is what Kat 
     was supporting, and I concur wholeheartedly.
     Considering, the concerns I've seen in this discussion, I'd suggest 
     the following:
                Room A                  Room B
     0900       Seneschal               Laurel 
     1000       Chronicler              Laurel 
     1100       Treasurer               Pelican
     1200       Knight Marshal          Pelican
     1400       A&S Minister            Chivalry
     1500       Herald                  Chivalry
     1600       Chirurgeon              White Scarves
     1700       Hospitaller             White Scarves
     1800       Rapier Marshal          Centurions
     1900       Minister of Children    Centurions
     This schedule would allow more time for the various Orders and still 
     allow them to duck out for a time to attend other meetings.  However, 
     it would be pure hell for the Crowns.
     ps.  Burke, I avoided Seneschals vs. Chivalry.   8^)

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