ANST - dead traditions

Paul Mitchell pmitchel at
Mon Jan 26 14:56:28 PST 1998

Lord Larkin O'Kane wrote:
> On Mon, 26 Jan 1998 15:05:56 +0000, mirrim at wrote:
> >Galen of Bristol wrote:
> >> Dancing until all hours at Northern Regional?  I'm there!
> >
> >There will be dancing all DAY at Bryn Gwlad's Candlemas.  We have
> >wonderful live musicians and a space in the hall set aside for
> >dancers.
> Oh Galen, how are you ever going to juggle dancing all day with judging
> the bardic competition?
> Larkin

Well, first, I'm not judging the bardic.  HRM Gladwen and Duchess
Sieglinda will be doing that.  I'll be available for any support they
may need.  The idea that I'm in charge of that competition and/or
that I'm judging has been a persistant widespread misconception which
my repeated denials have done little to change.

But I hadn't said I'll be dancing all day at Candlemas.  The post
about Candlemas is from my sister, who is also my protege, Baroness
Mirrim.  I'd like to spend the day dancing, but there's the bardic,
and a belted circle there as well.  We'll have to see.

- Galen
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