ANST - BlackStar officer report...

Pug Bainter pug at
Thu Jan 15 07:32:17 PST 1998

Good Morning,

  Since the February BlackStar will be out "anyday now", and Coronation is
  this weekend, I'll forward this to the list now. I will of course have
  additional suggestions to the person who takes over the office beyond
  the requirements. (It's up to the person to do with as they please
  regarding these.) As well, I will of course answer questions regarding
  the office via private email.

In service to the Kingdom and the Dream,

Phelim "Pug" Gervase  | "I want to be called. COTTONTIPS. There is something 
Barony of Bryn Gwlad  |  graceful about that lady. A young woman bursting with 
House Flaming Dog     |  vigor. She blinked at the sudden light. She writes
pug at           |  beautiful poems. When ever shall we meet again?"

Good Morning one and all,

It seems like just last month that I took over the duties of the Kingdom
Virtual Scribe. Unfortunately it's actually been a year and 6 months. This
means it's getting time for me to step down soon. As a matter of fact, I
will be leaving office at the stepping down of TRM Jean Richard and Gladwin.
Therefore a replacement will need to be found before then.

To be the Virtual Scribe, there are a few requirements and then some
recommended items.

The requirements are easy. One must:

1) Have regular access to a computer that is connected to the Internet.
2) Have knowledge of HTML to publish web pages. This can be either from
   scratch or by using any of the many utilities available.
3) Not be maintaining a local group's web page when they take over the
   office. This will be enough work that it'll be best that you not try
   to maintain both.
4) Be a current member of the Society. You will need to provide proof of
   membership with your application letter.

In addition, it is recommended that you:

1) Have your own email account that can receive Society related email.
2) Have your own computer at home in order to check things regularly.
3) Have net access at work to check things during the day. This is of
   course assuming you work during the day. This is the time that the
   highest amount of correspondance happens with other individuals.

The reason that you are not required to have your own email account is the
same reason you do not have to find a site to host the web page on. This
has been donated to the Society by an ISP in Austin, TX currently until
March 1999.

There is one important thing to know. You will be working under the
Kingdom Chronicler's office, but it will seem at times that you are a
deputy to the Kingdom Hospitaler. There will be regular, if not daily,
correspondances with people looking to get started in the Society,
looking for a group in their new city, or looking for an individual in
the Kingdom. You must be polite at all times and try to be as helpful as

NOTE: For those of you who know about the mailing lists, these are not
      a duty of the office and I will continue to maintain them.

I look forward to helping anyone who wishes to take over this office.
Please send all applications, with proof of membership, to myself and
the Kingdom Chronicler's office. The Kingdom Chronicler will be making
the final decision, but I wish to make recommendations from the
applicants available. Applications will not be accepted via email since
you will need to provide a photocopy of your membership card.

My address is:

Richard Bainter
1502 Choquette
Austin, TX 78757

In Service,
Phelim "Pug" Gervase
Go to to perform mailing list tasks.

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