ANST - Candlemas

mirrim at mirrim at
Mon Jan 26 13:45:44 PST 1998

AElfwyn aet Gyrwum wrote:
> Could I impose upon some gentle from Bryn Gwlad to let us know the
> (approximate) times of all the Candlemas activities?  I can't seem to
> find anyone who has a complete schedule, and all the tantalizing hints
> of dances and bardic competition makes me want to make sure I have the
> information to help speed along my traveling companions.

Here is the schedule as I remember:

 9:00	Hall opens
10:00	Class - Early Welsh clothing - Lord Sion Glas
11:00	Class - Twin Oaks Manor - Sir Pendaran Glamorgan
		Bardic Competition begins
12:00	Class - Mongol culture - Lady Suvdchin of the Moritu
 1:00	Class - Falconry - Don Eule von Haginbald
		Knights' Circle 
 2:00	Class - French Lady's Horsemanship - Honorable Lady Octavia
 3:00	Class - Gypsy Storytelling - Lady Claudia (?)
		Laurels' Circle
 4:00	Hall rearranged for Court and Feast
 4:30	Court
 7:00	Feast
11:00	Hall Closes

All classes will be taught in persona.

There will be games available all day.

Baroness Jehanne will be hosting a Solar all day.  Everyone is 
welcome to visit and talk/game/work on projects.  A Blackwork class 
will be taught by Lady Magdelana de Castomo in the Solar.

There will be dancing all day.  (Hopefully many musicians will come 

The brewing and vinting competition will be held during the day.  The 
time of judging is at the discretion of the judges.

On Sunday there will be both Rapier and Armored Tournaments in honor 
of Baroness Jehanne's Birthday.  Armor inspection is at 10:00 and the 
tournies will start at 11:00.  Flyers for the Tourneys will be 
available at the event.

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