ANST - Scribal history

Kim Tucker neassa at
Fri Jul 24 10:56:25 PDT 1998


I'm Curstaidh Magorlick, the very new Star Signet.  There have been
several questions about scribes, etc., and I'd like to clear the air as
best as I can, being new to this position.

First, there are regional scribes listed in the back of the Black Star,
at the end of each Region's list of officers.

Northern Region is Mistress Anastacia Marie Travarra.
Southern Region is Baroness Suzanne Gabrielle Marie Beraud
Coastal Region is HL Cynthia Braithewaite of Seven Oaks
Western Region is HL Jonathon Christian Clare
Central Region is HL Margaret Pearce (position is opening)

Painters can contact any of the above for scrolls, as well as Sable
Scroll and myself.

As Star Signet, I would like to continue on with the networking that
Mistress Anastacia started.  Regionals are in the process of making
contact with the groups in their areas so as to establish painting
groups and contact with that painting group's head scribe. Through their
contacts the regionals can then arrange "paint parties" and classes and
provide scrolls, instruction, etc.  This is an on-going process and
needs nurturing by all involved.  

What I need, personally, is contact with all scribes who would like to
volunteer their expertise in working with their Regional Scribe.  If you
could contact me with info about your experience, painting or
calligraphy, and any examples (photocopies are best), then I can help
the Regionals with this process.  

New painters - we need new painters!  Those of you who do paint and know
of even one other who would like to try but is afraid, worried, etc.,
get him/her involved!  This past reign of His Grace Richard and Her
Excellency Gladwen was terrific for having new, enthusiastic painters
get started, and experienced painters get involved again!  Some of these
painters include His Grace Richard, Her Excellency Gladwen, Sir
Pendaran, Baron Leofric, and Her Excellency Anora!

To end this letter, yes Virginia, there is a scribal college, network,
and real people with real scrolls out there in the vastness of
Ansteorra.  What I need now are names and experience info. to go through
and start the ball rolling for information, teaching, etc.  HELP!

Hey, have a great day and paint some this weekend!
									In service,


Curstaidh Magorlick					
c/o Lee A. Lemons
1910 Westmead #3301
Houston, Texas  77077
(281) 493-1080
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