ANST - Re: Kids with Boffers

Russell russmax at
Wed Jul 1 22:49:50 PDT 1998

Dennis Grace wrote:
> One--as a parent, I'm all for the boffer tourneys for kids.
> Two--in order to limit our liability in this matter, we should include a
> rule that no adult (18 or over) may compete or for any reason wield a
> boffer against a minor.

Why does it necessarily have to be boffers? I can see having the 16/17 yr olds
beginning to play with the "adult" toys, in their own leagues, if there are
are no bouts between minors and adults. At less than 16, physical maturity may
not be yet suitable for handling the weapons and armor without injury.

And even that part I question. I don't see other groups that engage in marshal
activities or dangerous sports drawing this line. Martial arts and high school
football are two cases in point. High school seniors don't get banished from
the field when they turn 18. Most dojos indiscriminately let minors and adults
spar with one another all the time. Why are we the only ones being funny about this?

Lord Guillaume
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