ANST - BG - Our Traditions, Our Sword
Martin, Brian
bmartin at
Mon Jul 13 07:55:00 PDT 1998
Greetings All,
For those good Ansteorrans who were unable to attend the
coronation of TRM Barn and Catriona this last weekend, I set forth to
tell the tale of how Ansteorra came by its new sword of state, and how
it was chosen by a king, then passed to another. I witnessed these deeds
and pray to God and all the saints that I set forth my words faithful
and true to the events that passed.
Long ago, the Ebon Blade that was presented to King Sigmund by
the Lions of Ansteorra. Last winter, this most sacred emblem of our dear
king was stolen by brazen thieves. There was a great deal of worry and
consternation concerning how the next sword of state should be chosen.
Many harsh words were spoken and many felt that a suitable sword would
be chosen. In the interim, Duke Sigmund the Wingfooted cared enough to
loan the kingdom his sword until a suitable replacement could be found.
Until that time, the kingdom would bear the scar or the theft of its
Many years ago, Sir Riccardo di Pisa, knight and Lion of
Ansteorra, crafted a sword. It was a blade stout and strong, and it was
forged to be carried into battle, the weapon of a hero. Through
tournament and war, Riccardo fought like the lion he was, always at the
fore, always seeking honor for his lady and glory for his kingdom.
Throughout these years, Riccardo was the bane of any who would stand
against him, and the enemies of Ansteorra trembled when he strode the
field; and always at his side, Riccardo carried the sword that he had
Inevitably, time, that thief of youth and strength, robbed
Riccardo of the strength that had wielded that sword so well. However,
time could not take from Riccardo his lion heart, nor the kingdom who
knew Riccardo, of the memories that he had given it. Earlier this year,
Riccardo passed from the world of men, leaving Ansteorra poorer for
having lost him, but richer for having known him.
During his sickness, Riccardo gave his sword to his squire,
Cynric of Bedwin, and bade him to keep it safe. Cynric was moved by this
gesture from his dying knight and swore a solemn oath that no harm would
come to his knight's sword. After Riccardo's passing, Cynric thought
upon the his oath and upon the order of the Lion, of which Riccardo was
amongst the greatest. Cynric did not feel that he could carry the sword,
has it bore the emblem of that noble order. If only a Lion could bear
the sword, Cynric felt that perhaps a Lion should keep the sword:
certainly no one would look to the sword's safety better than the Lions.
Therefore, Cynric offered Riccardo's sword to the order, asking that the
Lions guard the blade and honor it as they would honor their dead
When this offer was made, the Lions were greatly honored.
However, feeling greatly the loss of the Ebon Blade, the Lions saw that
they had before them a suitable sword for Ansteorra. The Lions therefore
went before their king, and asked Him to accept this sword, crafted and
wielded by Riccardo, as the kingdom's sword. The king, Rischard, was
wise and sought counsel, He spoke to His advisors and to His heir,
Prince Barn. All who heard the Lions' request knew Riccardo and his
feats and knew his hero's heart. No one could think of a sword with a
greater heart and more glorious history than Riccardo's blade. No one
could think of a better sword for Ansteorra.
Therefore, at His final court, Rischard, king of Ansteorra,
called forth the Lions, who bore Riccardo's blade. The Lions offered to
their king the sword, and the king did accept it. Holding the sword
aloft, the king proclaimed that Riccardo's sword had become the
kingdom's sword, and the kingdom rejoiced at His proclamation.
As is the tradition in the kingdom of Ansteorra, before the old
king steps down, He gives to the Lions the sword of state, that they
should hold and guard the blade until His heir should come forth and
claim it. Thus did Rischard do, giving the Lions the new sword of state.
When Barn, the new king came forth to claim His throne and crown His
Queen, He called forth the Lions into His court. This was unusual, for
the Lions do usually come unbidden into the new king's court, the only
order with the permission to do so. However, the new king wished to do
honor unto the Lions, and they were called forth one by one. Those that
were present answered the king's call, as well as answering the call for
those Lions who were not were not present.
The Lions carried with them the sword of state, and the first
one to speak held it aloft saying that the sword had come from the hand
of Riccardo di Pisa, that it was "A sword crafted by a hero, wielded by
a hero, given to a kingdom of heroes!". With that, the sword was passed
from one Lion to another, so that all of the Lions could hold the sword
and share in the king's proclamation that it is the true sword of state.
The last Lion to hold the sword was the first Lion to be made in the
Kingdom of Ansteorra, Orm Skjolbidig, who presented unto the king the
sword of state.
Thus was the new sword chosen, a gift from a squire to the
Lions, from the Lions to the king. And thus was the old tradition
upheld: the sword was passed from king to king, through the order of the
Lions. And thus was a wound upon the kingdom healed.
Upon my belt and chain as a knight, I swear that these deeds
were true as I witnessed them,
Pendaran Glamorgan, Lion of Ansteorra
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