ANST - awards & peasants & peers, oh my

Robert Hutchinson wolfgervon at
Thu Jun 18 07:53:14 PDT 1998

>It would seem (which is part of the point) that some >need to know
"who" I am, rather than considering what >has been said.  The post was
signed with both my name >and my SCA name.

I believe that they were interested in how long you had been playing,
more that who you were personally.

>To answer some questions...  I have never tried to >seek any position
in the SCA.  Thus I have never been >rejected for anything and have no
axes to grind due >to something of that nature.
> What I have seen in my life is a growing distaste >for the SCA. 
When I began, it all seemed so innocent >and polite on the surface. 
As I've gotten to know >more of the people who "run the show" and who
tend to
>have more of these awards, titles, etc. I see how >much less than
ideal things really are.  The politics >turn me off.  I see
favoritisms, I see ass-kissing, I >see secret hatreds, talking about
people behind their >backs, I see attempts to prevent other people
from >doing things

Have you tried running for an office? Sometimes the only way to bring
change is from within.
>I've heard bad things from those close to me about >people I respect,
which (sorry to say) always leaves >questions about that person in my
mind.  I'd rather >not have heard the negative.

Unfortunate but true. It is hard to speak with some people when in the
back of your mind you are remembering rumors of what X did.

>And sorry, but leaving the company of these people is >not so easy
for reasons I won't address publicly.

I respect your privacy on this matter. Without knowing the principles
involved, it is hard to give advice. However, sometimes those hard
decisions must be made. 

>Just look at some of the remarks about me from a >baronness for the
mere suggestion that ranks should >be minimized.  Perhaps I'm just a
victim of hearing >from people guilty of the things some accuse me of.
 >I'm getting fed up with it.

And yet, in a later post she did appologize for being brusk. 

> It seems those that don't aspire and just play the >game are the
most free from this problems.  I don't >hear their opinions of
everyone else 

And some of those people (not all!) also do not run for office,
participate in work days, help run events... 

> Many who do aspire, to me, seem to be of the sort >that crave power.
The SCA is a place for exploring >fantasies of nobility.  

     I have been playing in the SCA here in Mooneschadowe for 3 1/2
years now. I recieved my AoA last September. I will admit here and now
that I aspire. I aspire to serve my shire and kingdom, to this I have
applied for an office. If my service garners me a service award, I
will accept it with pride in a job well done. If not, then that will
change nothing. I do not do what I do for the awards. I aspire to
better my artistic skills. I am studing heraldry and the art thereof,
also I am learning calligraphy and trying to better my illumination.
If any of this grants me an Iris... see above. 
     I have no fantasies of nobility. To me, the SCA is a place for
exploring society. And for making new and wonderful friends.  

>Of all the "brass-hats" I've met, I've not known many >without some
sort of air of superiority. I know this >is not always the case, but
to me it's more often >than not.  

Well, here in Mooneschadowe, we did not have a brass hat for a long
time. However, Gunhilda Amberstar did gain one several months ago.
Most of my contact with "hats" has come at events. I have yet to meet
one that acted improperly. 

>How many "brass-hats" go from camp to camp, meeting >people without
some dignified act or entourage?  

How many go from camp to camp WITH an act or entourage?

>...why not make everyone knights if they so desire? >Why not let
everyone pick their title and personna >and act it out? To me, it
would make things a lot >more fun. Not because I could pick a title,
but >titles would mean nothing.

The only problen is that most of those titles (knight, master...) are
for SKILL. As it stands now, if you are interested in an art or
science, you can find a Laurel, who can either help or point you to
one who can. Same with the knight and arms training. Without these
titles, it would become very difficult, not to mention overwhelming)
to know whom to go to.

> People wouldn't decide they were better than another.

People decide that already, with or without granted titles.

Please do not take this post as an attack in any way. These are only
my opinions. Feel free to e-mail me at wolfgervon at

Wolfger von Sibenburgen
Shire of Mooneschadowe
Kingdom of Ansteorra
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