ANST - Re: SR - Awards, was Principality???? (long)

Laury Torrence J-LTorrence at
Mon Jun 22 21:40:06 PDT 1998

> Donal wrote:

> The Crown quite definitely has to approve any kingdom award (read: not
> specific to the principality), though they may delegate the authority
> to make an armigerous principality award as follows (VI.A.3.b):
> Awards (See VII.B.4)
> Note that the Crown must still approve and sign every armigerous award
> scroll given out other than those principality awards which are
> armigerous.(And rightly so.)

Almost correct. In the case of Baronial Service awards(at least in this Kingdom),
the Crown is advised of the award being given, but is not otherwise involved
(unless they happen to be a member of that Baronys' order).  The members of
the Order are polled, and the yea or nay given by vote of the Order.  The actual
scroll comes from artisans within that Barony, and is signed by the Baron and
Baroness, NOT the Crown. However, those people who are candidates for
Baronial Service Orders are as a rule, would be candidates for AoA's due to the
amount of work they have contributed to their group.  Generally, their service for
this type of award is "above and beyond" and specific to their Barony.

> The trick word is "bestow". No matter who gives it to you,
> your award proceeds from the authority of the Crown in some fashion.
> They can have anyone they like convey the news to you, but the award
> is _given_ by the Crown.

In this you are absolutely on the money!

HE Caterina
Bryn Gwlad

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