ANST - Regional identity...

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Sun May 31 08:24:26 PDT 1998

To my knowledge, there are no limitations on creating a bank account for a
region other than the SCA Treasurer, the Kingdom Treasurer, and the Kingdom
Seneschal agree that it be done.  Since regions are not recognized as SCA
jurisdictions, such an account would formally be a Kingdom account set up
for the specific purposes of the region and overseen by regional (deputy
Kingdom) treasurer.  This is similar to the Black Star account, which is an
SCA account overseen by the Kingdom chronicler and audited by the Kingdom

On Northern Regional events, the income is run through the primary host's
bank account and all expenditures and reimbursements are handled via
intra-kingdom transfers of funds between the groups to cover the paper work.

While the profits from regional events in the north have been donated to the
Kingdom, this has largely occurred because the region was not functioning as
a separate entity.  Had the regional officers been meeting and working in
concert and had a regional bank account been established, part of the
profits would probably have been directed at funding the region and
strengthening the regional identity.

Traditionally, each group who helps sponsor regional events has been able to
direct where their profits are to be donated.  There have been some
disagreements about the financial arrangements between some of the groups.
To avoid this, I strongly recommend a regional bank account and a good slate
of regional officers.  You also should consider how the regional officers
can provide information to the groups and get rapid feedback.  Good
communications will save you many headaches.


> Thanks for the great info on Northern Regional!
> In my experience, when I lived in Stargate, regional events were held a
> number
> of times.<deleted>
> Question:  If a region becomes a Crown Principality (principality without
> prince
> and princess) can they initiate a bank account for that group?
> In service,
> meadhbh
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