ANST - Ansteorran Emprise

Alexis drwise at
Mon Nov 2 17:09:12 PST 1998

Greetings everyone:

It looks like Ansteorra will host its first Equestrian Emprise
Tournament in February in time to get ready for Gulf Wars.  For anyone
who had a chance to see the Emprise at Gulf Wars then you know what type
of show this is going to be.  While the format will be similar to that
at Gulf Wars i.e. procession in w/ herald, set competitions and then
challenges, I would like to hear from all the equestrians ideas as to
what they would like to include to make this a distictly Ansteorran
event.  Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could send me the
following information:

1. Email addresses for all of the current (and potential) equestrians on
the list;

2. Ideas for elements to form the uniform competitions;

3. Preferences on teams vs. individuals; and

4  Any other ideas you have to play up the pageantry of the competition.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with an emprise, the distiction
between this and the King's Lancer competition is sort of like crown vs.
Lyonesse.  As Lord Murdoc (the 3 time champion) would put it:  King's
Lancer is 'speed and death' (his words not mine) whereas the emprise is
designed to showcase the horses and the unique tapestry they present as
a medium for display.  Thanks in advance.

Sir Alexis LaBouche
drwise at
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