ANST - Archer Info

RLPortwood at RLPortwood at
Tue Nov 17 15:57:25 PST 1998


I hope this message finds everyone recovered from 3-Kings!  Perfect English

At the event, Talon and I discovered some improperly seated thistle missiles.
This concerns me not only for the safety of our targets (fighters), but also
an improperly seated head could do damage to the head itself.

The arrowshaft must be seated in the smaller black 0-ring at the bottom of the
hole.  One good way to do this is to push the shaft in as far as you can get
it to go, and then fire your arrows at a wall (brick will do nicely).  You
will notice that once seated, the thistle head will not wobble on the shaft
nearly as much as an unseated shaft.

Please double-check your equipment so the Ansteorrean archer is not only known
as the best but as the safest as well.

Thank you for considering these suggestions.  I look forward to seeing all of
you chivalrous fighters and archers at an event soon.  

In Service to the Dream and to Ansteorra,

Baron Vallust
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