ANST - Combat Archery

harry billings psobaka at
Tue Nov 24 03:54:00 PST 1998

>War of Three kings was my first war as an archer (injury precluded me from
going full contact), however my I do have some small observations...
I disagree, if the defending force dose not have seige engines and has a
tower with archers kill the archers in the tower and destroy the tower if
you can. In the first castle battle I leged a fighter at the trebershay (sp)
and the trebershay could not hit the fort. The number of fighters in the
fort was such that archery fire into the fighters would not be very
effective, the blastia were eggective firing into the fort though.

>1.  In a seige battle versus a tower for archers, it is impractical to
spend a significant number of the besieger's archers trying to pin down the
archers in towers.  This is because 

Yes that is why you need to kill them. 

>    a) they have elevation, and therefore longer range and better field of

Actuly the tower at Three Kings was small and confining.

>    b) they have a lot of stuff to hide behind,

You can not "pin down" two archers with two archers I feel it would take
more like two archers to pin down one archer. Once the archer that is trying
to pin down the archer in the tower the archer in the tower is free to aim
adn shoot return fire while you try to reload and watch for incoming fire in
the open and the tower archer has cover to get behind while reloading.

>    The scottish side @ one point in time had 4-5 archers trying to kill
the two archers in the tower.  Many many arrow shafts that could have been
spent killing the english troops went sailing harmlessly against the tower
or over it. 
  IMHO it would have been more effective to have one archer per archer in
the tower pinning down (thereby rendering the archer in the tower relatively
useless), and let the other archers concentrate on killing commanders and
pole weapons on the ground.
In field battles my feeling is for the archers to kill spear/pole weapons
and then your shield men can run down and kill their archers.
Plachoya Sobaka a humble archer in Ravens Fort, Kingdom of Ansteorra

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