ANST - Another Meteor Shower

S Palkowetz vivaine at
Mon Nov 16 12:56:03 PST 1998

Greetings Ansteorra and Elfsea!

Another meteor shower is upon us and, despite the fact that I've not had a
chance to research any medieval significance, it is still something worth

November 17th, the Earth will pass into the debris field of the comet
Tempel-Tuttle which passed by Earth earlier this year.  This is predicted to
be a pretty good meteor storm, so if your a night owl, and want some free
entertainment, keep reading!

At about 2 am (0800 UT November 17th (0200 CST)), the meteor shower should
be underway. Go outside and face the East-Southeast in the direction of the
constellation LEO. (It looks more like a question mark than a lion.) Nearby
will be the red planet MARS and the constellation Gemini.  It should
continue into the wee hours, so if you got up around 4-5 am, you still
should be able to see some of it.

For all you high-techies with internet access, NASA will broadcast live from
a weather balloon at around 2 am central standard time.
More information about this meteor shower and others are at
This weather balloon is significant in that it will also carry a
revolutionary substance called AEROGEL which will attempt to capture some of
the debris for analysis.

This is a pretty cool storm, so happy watching, dress warm, and remember,
its FREE!

Vivaine Taarnfalk
Barony of Elfsea
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