ANST - What can you teach in Ansteorra? PLEASE REPLY OFF THE LIST!

Scot Eddy seddy at
Mon Nov 30 08:06:32 PST 1998

Title - Bayeux Tapestry
SCA name - Jovian Skerlos
Modern name - Scot Eddy
Address - 303 West Ave G
City, state, zip - Copperas Cove, Texas 76522
Phone - (254) 547-4807
Email address - seddy at
Home group (barony, shire, canton, college) - Shire of Tempio (Temple)
Areas you will travel to - Southern, Central, Coastal regions

Class description (include level --beginning, intermediate, advanced, 
all) - Beginning level

Materials fee, if any (please indicate clearly whether or not there is a 
fee) $1 fee for hoops, needles, floss, cloth

Whether you require indoor space, electricity, running water, tables and 
chairs, a kitchen or "other" facilities, indicating what "other" is.
A table would be nice, other than that bring their own chairs to sit in

If there are restrictions (limited class size, for example), please note 
those as well. 10 - 12 upper limit

Title - Intro to Iconography

Class description (include level --beginning, intermediate, advanced, 
all) - beginning

Materials fee, if any (please indicate clearly whether or not there is a 
fee)$3 for packet of notes

Whether you require indoor space, electricity, running water, tables and 
chairs, a kitchen or "other" facilities, indicating what "other" is. 
Pin-up board for icons

If there are restrictions (limited class size, for example), please note 
those as well. lecture class - no limit

Title - Icon Writing

Class description (include level --beginning, intermediate, advanced, 
all) beginning

Materials fee, if any (please indicate clearly whether or not there is a 
fee)$5 for board, paint, packet, brushes, etc

Whether you require indoor space, electricity, running water, tables and 
chairs, a kitchen or "other" facilities, indicating what "other" is. 
Tables, water, and pin-up board

If there are restrictions (limited class size, for example), please note 
those as well.6 - 8 as it's a hands-on class
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