ANST - brew as prizes

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Mon Sep 7 17:01:42 PDT 1998

It is a gray area.  The Feds allow people to make as much as 200 gallons of
wine/cider and 200 gallons of beer, but the states have the privilege of
taxing the product and overseeing commercial distribution.  Most states
allow a specified amount of alcoholic beverage produced by simple
fermentation to be made for personal consumption under permit.  A dry county
could bust you for unlawful possession and make it stick.

In Oklahoma, if you have a permit (free from the Alcoholic Beverage Laws
Enforcement Commission), you may lawfully produce 200 gallons of Cider/Wine
for the use of self, family and guests.

There is an argument that beer is not covered by the permit, and the laws
which cover micro-breweries may in fact cover all home brewers.  

IIRC, the question was supposedly being looked at by the Kingdom Seneschal,
so you might ask what the opinion of his office was. 


> ----------
> From: 	James D. Logan/Jane Sitton-Logan[SMTP:hammer at]
> As I remember it home brewing and wine making are specifically allowed
> under federal law. Not part of the states bailiwick.
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