ANST - scrolls

Cherie Nolan Marguerite at
Tue Aug 3 06:04:02 PDT 1999

Baroness Curstaidh, 
     I thank you for giving me the chance to learn the art of scrolls. As a result I am enjoying a new still and trying to improve on it. It has given me much joy. In high school, I had four years of art and had missed being able to paint. I've enjoyed getting to know you and many other people while we sat and did charter paintings. Now my Barony members have been enjoying painting scrolls and have almost finished allot of them. Lady Selena, of the woods, had never painted one before and it turns out that she and her daughter are very good at painting. If you had not given us this chance to paint a printed charter. Then we may not have ever tapped into this skill. If we say that fighters can't go on the field unless they are really good. Now I would understand, if the scrolls were for the Laurel and Pelican, Baron and Baroness, or Count and Countess scrolls level. Then I could see the need for special scrolls. Plus I would think that there would be a shortage of scrolls if we had to wait for the Book of Hours quality. I would love to be able to paint at that level. But I hope that people of with lesser talents and skills still have a chance to paint and develop a love for a new skill. Then one day they may be painting the more beautiful scrolls. After all we are in the SCA to have fun and learn a fun hobby. 
Thank you for all your teachings and the Brownies too!
I hope I didn't offend anyone it was not meant to do so.
Lady Marguerite Seneschal for Barony Bordermarch   
Spinning Winds Pavilions and Tents
Marguerite at
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lee Lemons 
  To: Ansteorra 
  Sent: Monday, August 02, 1999 11:13 PM
  Subject: Re: ANST - scrolls

  Greetings One and All! 
  So, am I hearing this correctly - the push now is towards all original work and / or just the "written word", no illumination, etc.?  Should I be telling the Sable Scroll not to worry anymore about those pesky painted charters, but that he needs to just write out charters for every single recipient, and / or find other calligraphers to help, too?  So all those paints I just bought I can use for painting my cat's claws?  ; D 

  Personally, I like to paint the charters, a lot, actually.  Not having much of an artistic touch, as in, "What, me create an original?", I enjoy painting within the lines!  I can't even begin to think what I would have been doing these past seven years if I hadn't had the pre-printed charters to paint, a service to the Kingdom I have totally enjoyed. I probably would have kept up with my rapier fighting, perhaps.  And I would never have ever even considered picking up a paint brush or a calligraphy pen.  That part of my SCA life would never have existed. 

  Moreover, I'm reminded of all the other people I've meet and have "painted" with, people who have been told they didn't have any artistic ability, or never encouraged in their artistic leanings, yada yada yada, like myself in high school, who sat down with a pre-printed charter infront of them and began to do something they had never even conceived of doing before - painting someone's award charter.  Could we not refer to this as part of the CREATIVE part of the SCA Dream?   And for those who want the "real" thing, could they not commission someone to create it for them, a scribe who enjoys the original artwork / calligraphy text of scrolls?  Along with air-conditioning and all the other little"creative anachronistic" touches, could we not have our cake and icing too?  Especially if they were chocolate....!  ; ) 

  Having been Sable Scroll a few times, I can't even imagine doing originals, coordinating it, getting them done in a timely fashion, and so on, for a Kingdom this large, with the amount of award charters going out. The peerage scrolls are done by commission, or arrangement, between the recipient and scribe here, because we don't have charters for them.  It is hard enough to get good, solid, correctly painted award charters for the Crown to use as it is, without even taking into consideration the peerage scrolls and trying to find scribes to do them! 

  I respectfully submit that all those who want us to change what we are doing, in regards to award charters, to come forth, not only with your ideas, but with yourself as a volunteer to help get it off the ground.  If the idea is worthy enough to change our Kingdom's ways, you really need to be able to help it be seen through the idea stage to the actual working stage. 

  I have no problem at all with changes if the populace and Crown want them - changes can be positive, invigorating, and great for personal as well as Kingdom growth.  But being able to throw out ideas is easy, to help those ideas grow and take solid root is something different. 

  Think about it.  Talk about it.  If change is needed, let's get it out in the light and discussed reasonably, rationally, and logically.  If you have an idea, present it and HOW you plan to help it become a reality.  That is how good changes come about - conceive, plan, and implement.  So go to it, and let the Crown and myself know! 

  Curstaidh Magorlick 
  Star Signet 

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