ANST - Bardic Project

Lady Simone margiejr at
Mon Feb 1 09:22:06 PST 1999

    Subject: ANST - Bardic Project


    At coronation we had a gathering of Bards, and discussed many good topics and suggestions on sharing information. Yes I'm the impatient one. Has anyone compiled an e-mail list of the Bards willing to share their works and such.  If so can I have a copy. If not I've Lots of time on my hands and would be willing to maintain such a list, and have the time to create and maintain a website for the Bards of our Kingdom.  

    Lady Simone
    Matriarch of House Couyral
    margiejr at

    And I would be more than happy to donate the web space on my server. :)  Just don't have the time to maintain the site.  Could help on occasion though.
    Ainar Magnusson
    rdrake at

    Thanks I'll keep that in mind, I have about 10megs I'm wondering what to do with on my own server and about 8 left on my tripod account.  this could turn into a large joint project so I'll keep your offer in mind if I become the one to do it.

    Lady Simone
    Matriarch House Couyral
    margiejr at

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