ANST - Re: Documentation (Gunnora Soapbox Alert)

dssweet at dssweet at
Mon Feb 15 15:22:38 PST 1999

Mistress Gunnora Hallakarva said;
>This is just not true.  Some VENUES do not require a bard to produce
documentation -- >Kingdom Eisteddfodd comes right to mind.  But it SHOULD --
it's a disgrace that we can >choose a kingdom bard who won based on performing
filk (My opinion - your mileage may >vary).

Vivat that!!

>And Kingdom A&S and Gulf Wars Performing Arts DO REQUIRE bardic (and other
performing >arts, such as dance) to be documented.

>20% Documentation
>20% Period Materials
>20% Period Techniques
>20% Craftsmanship
>20% Overall Impression
>At last summer's Laurel Retreat we created standardized judging forms for the
kingdom, >there are slight differences between Performing Arts, Static Arts, and
Scholarly Research, >which are the three different forms.

I'm certainly interested in finding out more about the Performance Arts forms,
especially in regards to dance. Can you give more insight here?


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